Xpert Community

What is it?

B2B founders and similar professionals getting together to share tips, strategies, lessons learned, and professional advice aimed at growing our revenue and scaling our businesses.

Hosted by David (Ledge) Ledgerwood and Megan Fister, Managing Partners of Add1Zero.

When are meetings?

Every other Tuesdays from 10:30am to noon Central Time on Zoom.

Ask to be added to the calendar invite so you can block the time.

Come and go as you please, but please participate when you’re “in the room.”

How do I join?

Email us and ask about joining. Share your LinkedIn and other details about your B2B founder bonafides.

What’s this site?

A shared knowledge base hosted by Add1Zero sharing everything we know about growing B2B services/tech sales. If we’ve ever produced it, it’s here. We also post notes, learnings, shares, and more from our Tuesday community meetings.